Submit your article at Jumhuri Mudara

Conditions for publishing articles at Jumhuri Mudara


As a free, independent media and committed to the principle of freedom of expression, Jumhuri Mudara publishes the writings and analyzes of authors and researchers. Those interested can send their articles and notes to this media keeping in mind the following conditions:


  1. In the article and writing sent, all principles and rules of intellectual property have been observed.
  2. Articles and writings have not been published in other media or in the form of pamphlets or books.
  3. In writing the article, the rules of writing and editing have been observed.
  4. In the content of the article, the conditions of freedom of expression and the great and accepted values ​​of the society have been taken into account and no slander or insult has been done to any real person or authority.
  5. The article should be no less than 1000 and no more than 2500 words. Research articles that require more detail are excluded from the set ceiling.
  6. A short letter of introduction from the author or translator and contact number, email and "a piece of his photo (optional)" should be attached to the article and sent. Introduction should not be more than two lines.
  7. If the author is in a special situation, he can refrain from mentioning his real name in the article and write and publish his work under the name of his choice.
  8. If the text sent is a translation of a work, professional standards have been observed in the translation.
  9. After receiving the article, it will be reviewed by the editorial board of the Jumhuri Mudara and a decision will be made regarding its publication or non-publication.

Note: The article can only be received through the following address:

[email protected]