Afghanistan Women’s Political Participation Network: The Media in Afghanistan is in a Bad State of Censorship and Filtering

 Afghanistan Women’s Political Participation Network: The Media in Afghanistan is in a Bad State of Censorship and Filtering

Translator: Sakina Joya

AVA media:  Friday May 3, 2024, Afghanistan Women’s Political Participation Network has announced in connection with the world media Freedom Day “the world media Freedom Day is an opportunity to rethink the way we communicate with information and media. This day remind us that access to correct information is one of the basic principles of democracy and individual’s freedom”.

A number of women in protest meeting says that for protection of media freedom and support of journalist and reporters must pay attention to importance of the right to freedom of expression and access to information.

Zuhra Akhtari one of the organizers of the protest says to AVA media that “our protest is the voice of women who currently live in Afghanistan. Our protest is for our voice to be heard by the international community and the organizations that supports journalists in Afghanistan.

She added regretfully in the previous regime there were security problems for journalists too, except for the limitations set by the Taliban terrorist group for journalists.

On the other hand, it is stated in this announcement that the media in Afghanistan is in a bad state of censorship and filtering, and day by day more restrictions are imposed on the dissemination of information and news.

Referring to freedom of expression, these oppressed women emphasize that in the current situation of Afghanistan plays a very important role in the media. The presence of women in the media and female journalists can act as a powerful voice for women’s rights and issues related to them.

Through their reports and programs, they can help inform people about women’s issues in the society and provide the necessary awareness.

After the reestablishment of the Taliban in Afghanistan, women and media journalist were among those who always spoke justice and the government of Afghanistan has imposed hoary restriction on this group, various national and international institutions and organizations, call the current job of journalists especially female journalist alarming.

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