The Unsaid Words of Girls: Holding of Kankor examination without the presence of girls

 The Unsaid Words of Girls: Holding of Kankor examination without the presence of girls

Translator: Sakina Joya

Jumhuri Mudara: The National Examination Administration under the Taliban administration has announced the date of this year konkor exam on 7th June and also added that it will be conducted on five rounds.

Mena Akrami one of the women who graduated from the twelfth grade, but for three years she has been hoping that the entrance exam would be taken from girls and she would be able to achieve the field of her choice, but this year girls are not include in the Kankor entrance examination.

Mina says about banning of girls from participating in the exam again this year. " I was actually disappointed. It is disappointing that the future and fate of women is dark and unknown. But Mrs. Akrami is optimistic about future." And she hopes that one day the doors of universities will be opened for girls as well.

Mrs. Nasreen Hamidi, a women's right activist and a former employee of the Ministry of Education also told to Ava Media that if the United Nation and other human right organizations do not take quick and serious action to remove the restriction on Afghan girls and women, the future of the women and girls of my land will unfortunately turn into darkness. And disappointment has a down ward trend and will not be compensated in any way.

On other hand, this is the second year that the door of universities is closed to girls and girls are not allowed to study in public universities. Also, with arrival of Taliban girls above 6th grade are not allow to enter school.

Edem Wosornu, director of operation and support of United Nation Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs says, that the at least 1.4 million women in Afghanistan are deprived of education. She adds that the restriction imposed by the Taliban on the activities of women aid workers in Afghanistan have also affected the flow of humanitarian aid.

The director of operation and support of the United Nation Office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has said that our brave Afghan women colleague face many challenges while providing humanitarian aid, and take personal risks to get to and from work every day.

Edem Wosornu also said that during her four- day trip in Afghanistan, she has discussed with the Minister of Economy and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Taliban about the problems of Afghan female employees. She also added that this was part of my massage “Afghan women need to work and this is vital.”

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