Taliban Temporarily Shuts Down Two Private TV Networks in Afghanistan

 Taliban Temporarily Shuts Down Two Private TV Networks in Afghanistan

Jumhuri Mudara: The Taliban has taken a recent move to temporarily shut down the private television networks "Noor and Bria" TVs on ( April 17, 2024). The Afghanistan Journalists Center has deemed the order to suspend the activities of (Noor and Bria) media outlets as unlawful, calling for the reversal of this directive and the prompt reopening of both channels.

Zabihullah Sadat, a member of the Media Complaints and Violations Commission, stated that all activities of both media outlets have been suspended due to "violations of media principles" and "Afghanistan's national interests." Meanwhile, the commission has ordered that until the cases of these two television networks are adjudicated by the court, the gates of both outlets will remain closed.

Sadat also added that the Taliban had repeatedly warned about the manner in which programs of both channels were being aired. He cited the violations of Noor TV as the broadcasting of music and female employees not wearing masks while working.

According to the Bakhtar News Agency, "These two media outlets have not respected journalistic principles, ignored national and Islamic values, and have been inclined towards nationalist, linguistic, and biased directions."

The Federation of Afghan Journalists in Exile has also expressed concerns over the suspension of work by Bria and Noor TV. The federation considers this action by the Taliban's Media Complaints and Violations Commission a blatant violation of freedom of speech and detrimental to the media.

The federation calls on organizations and countries supporting freedom of speech to prevent such actions by the Taliban, warning that otherwise, this Taliban act will have a negative impact on the work of media outlets

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