The Taliban Boycotted Afghanistan International News Channel

 The Taliban Boycotted Afghanistan International News Channel

Translator: Sakina Joya

Jumhuri Mudar: The Taliban media violation commission issued a statement, boycotted Afghanistan International news broadcast.

In this meeting that was held on Wednesday May 8, 2024, the Taliban media violation commission banned every kind of cooperation with this media and wanted people to stop following and watching this media.

In this statement said that Afghanistan International has propaganda against Taliban with the content they produce, gives the ax to the Taliban opponents.

In addition, it said that all analysts, experts and journalists should avoid participating and cooperation with this media. The Taliban also banned providing facilities in public places to cover events and content produced by this media.

The Afghanistan International channel didn't show any reaction yet. Few days ago, the Taliban had closed private television channel Noor and Baria too.

On the other hand, in an annual report the Afghanistan Journalist Center has expressed concern about the situation of journalists working in Afghanistan, and says that the Taliban use media as a propaganda tool for their system and media in Afghanistan cannot publish the content that is against the Taliban`s opinion.

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