UN Women Section: Afghanistan Turned into Graveyard of Girls' Dreams

 UN Women Section: Afghanistan Turned into Graveyard of Girls' Dreams

Translator: Sakina Joya

AVA Media: the international telecommunication union)’ has named April 25 as international women’s day and information technology communication.

Brahina Sannovo, head of international telecommunication (ITU-D) union development department issued a statement referring to the event. And said that the ITU initiative celebrate the International Day of Women and ICT every year in April.

This activity is for purpose of creating an environment in which young women get motive and empower to grow awareness in the field of communication and information technology. The international girls’ day in ICT is celebrated every year on Thursday 4 April.

For the first time the day of information communication technology (ICT) celebrated in 2011. The purpose of celebrating this day is encourage and empower of young girls and women to work and study in the technology and communication sector.

The united nation has said that while the world is trying that more girls came to this area; but “Afghanistan turned into 'graveyard of girls' dreams"

This comes despite of the fact that the gates of schools and universities are closed to girls in Afghanistan, and none of girls are allowed to be trained. Numerous restrictions are imposed on girls and women by the Taliban regime and women are marginalized every day.  

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